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Hobby Contest

Over $2000 in General Exhibition Prizes! No Entry Fee!!


Hobby Show

Best of Show - $25
Photography Best of Show  - $25


* Photography Limit of 2 in the Color Types and 2 in the Black & White Types.
  Maximum 4 Entries Total.

Youth Hobby Show

Ages Pre-K through Grade 12 (identify age on each item entered)


Best of Show - $25
Photography Best of Show  - $25

General Exhibit Rules and Instructions

  1. Signups for the show will take place Thursday between 8:00am and 9:00pm in the general exhibit area.

  2. All articles for competition must be entered between 8:00am and 9:00pm Thursday. Exhibits not entered by that time will be excluded from the competition

    • Entry to be suspended at start of the Harvest Home Parade and restart after the parade at approximately 7:30pm.

  3. All exhibits must remain in place until 7:00pm on Sunday. Pick up between 7:00 - 8:00pm

  4. All entries must bear the owner's name and the class in which they are entered.

  5. All entries must be made in the name of the real owner and change of ownership during the Fair will not be recognized.

  6. No unworthy article will be awarded a premium, whether there is a competition or not.

  7. No premium shall be given unless properly certified by the Secretary.

  8. All awards will be indicated by ribbon or card.

  9. A blue ribbon denotes first premium, a red ribbon second premium, and white ribbon third premium.

  10. The Fair Committee will take all precautions of safeguard all exhibits but shall not be responsible for any loss, whatsoever.

  11. Expert judges will be secured for all divisions and their decisions will be final.

  12. If they are deserving, in the opinion of the judges, outstanding specimens entered in any class will be given Ribbon Awards even if they are not specifically mentioned on the Premium List.

  13. Artwork is limited to three entries per entrant.

  14. All artwork & Photography items must have substantial hooks so they can be hung.

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